Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tips on Controlling Overspending and Treatment for Compulsive Shoppers

(1) Get rid of your credit cards, and ATM cards before you go shopping. Use only cash.
(2) If you spot something that you would like to purchase, never allow yourself to purchase it on the spot. Instead, walk away and give yourself a “mandatory waiting period” (or if you must-- ask the store to hold it for you. Most stores will hold items for their customers for at least a day). If you still want the item in a few days, then you can go back and make your thought-out purchase.
(3) Make a  budget and put it on paper. Give yourself some “mad money” for each month, and do not allow yourself to purchase anything that is not in the budget.
(4) Write down everything you purchase for two weeks; groceries, gas for your car, the electric bill, and even that candy bar from the vending machine! This will make your more conscience of where your hard-earned dollars are going. Being more aware of your spending will also make your more in control.


Rebecca Bloomwood is a sweet and charming New York City girl who has a tiny, little problem that is rapidly turning into a big problem: she's hopelessly addicted to shopping and drowning in a sea of debt. While Rebecca has dreams of working for a top fashion magazine, she can't quite get her foot in the door -- that is, until she snags a job as an advice columnist for a new financial magazine published by the same company. Overnight, her column becomes hugely popular, turning her into an overnight celebrity, but when her compulsive shopping and growing debt issues threaten to destroy her love life and derail her career, she struggles to keep it all from spiraling out of control--and is ultimately forced to reevaluate what's really important in life.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Take this Quiz: Are you a compulsive shopper?
True or False? Evaluate the following statements:
1. When I am feeling depressed, I usually go shopping
2. I spend a lot  Of money that I do not have on things that I do not need.
3. I get a rush when I make a purchase, but I “crash” soon afterwards.
4. I have closets full of clothes that I have never worn, and countless gadgets that I have never used.
5. I often feel reckless and out of control when I shop.
6. I lie to my friends and family about how much money I spend.
7. My shopping has caused problems in my personal relationships in one way or another

Did you answer “True” for three or more of the above statements? If so, it is possible that you have a real problem with compulsive shopping.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Are you a shopaholic?????

Shopaholic is a term used to describe individual who consider themselves as addicted to shopping. Lots of people love to shop. Shopping can be exciting, fulfilling, soothing. The thrill of a good find, the eagerness of owning something new. It's all about a lot of fun.
But there is a fine line between a simple love of shopping and shopping addiction. One is something you just enjoy like anything else in your life; just because you like to do, it doesn’t mean you need to be doing it all the time but shopaholic addiction is something that you use to plug a hole in your life and that hole never really gets filled.
To verify whether you are shopaholic or not, read the shopaholic characteristics:-
1) there is always shopping activity in your daily schedule
2) uncanny ability of buying thing that you know, you will never need
3) needing a new outfit for every party
4) if there is a  sale in one mall, you always be there since the first day